Sunday, June 3, 2007

Pre-discussion: Responsibility in the Market

Q2. Should government be responsible for protecting the "common good"? What is the "common good"?

Yes, I think government should be responsible for protection of the common good. I suppose that the common good is equal to the citizen's well-being. As the primary aim for companies is the pursuit of profit, consumers need some organization which safeguards them and speaks for their sake. Government should play that role as they are (or must be) representitives of people.

Q3. Should the business involved be responsible for keeping the consumer safe? What is the goal of business in society?

Yes, I think the consumer safe should be the top priority for a company. Any possible hazard should be studied under simulations. Since pollution has become a social problem, companies have responsiblity not only for consumers but for society too.

The goal of business is supposed to be profit, but ideally the profit should be returned to the society in certain ways.


Alexander :-) said...

Very nice written and I agree completely with you Eriko!
I wish you a good night sleep so you are ready for the exam tomorrow :-) Alexander

cathy said...

Well done!
I agree with your answers.
Good night!

cathy said...

Well done!
I agree with your answers.
Good night!

ownhearts said...

g0o0o0od job, I a gree with u sweetie , I hope 4 u all the best ...*_-

mistone said...

>Alex, thank you for your warm comment. I cannot believe our class ends within a couple of days...Good luck for your test, too!
>Cathy, yes I think we wrote almost the same thing (but not plagearized each other!)
>Khuloud,I am glad to see the word "sweety" with the right spelling :-P